The University Degree Programmes
Bachelor Programmes
- Bachelor of Linguistics
- Bachelor of Advertising and PR
- Bachelor of Socio-Cultural Activities
- Bachelor of Journalism
- Bachelor of Psychology
- Bachelor of Social Work
- Bachelor of Art History and Criticism
- Bachelor of National Artistic Culture
- Bachelor of Economics
- Bachelor of Management
- Bachelor of Applied Informatics
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Conflict Studies
Magister Programmes
- Magister of Linguistics
- Magister of Socio-Cultural Activities
- Magister of Journalism
- Magister of Psychology
- Magister of Social Work
- Magister of Art History and Criticism
- Magister of Economics
- Magister of Management
- Magister of Applied Informatics
- Magister of Conflict Studies
- Magister of Laws
Special Programmes
- Director of Multi-Media Programmes
- Audio Engineer
- Drama Stage Director
- Stage and Film Actor
Postgraduate education
Postgraduate education is the main form of preparing of scientific-pedagogical and scientific stuff in the system of professional education of Russia (the third degree of higher education), raising the level of scientific and pedagogical qualification. Now there are more than 100 postgraduate students working in the following branches of research:
- Theory and History of Culture
- Theory, methodology and organization of social and cultural activities
- Theory and History of Art
- Economics and regulation of national economy
- Theory and History of Law
- Constitutional, Municipal, Civil, Business,
- International, Financial, Informational Law.
The postgraduate education period is 3 years.